Bunbury Mail

These 16 home office ideas could boost your creativity and productivity

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Do you feel lacklustre when sitting at your desk during the day?

It could be that you need an injection of inspiration to get your creativity and productivity going. And there's more than one way to do it.

In this article, we take you through the inexpensive and more in-depth ways how you can achieve a productive workspace.

Key takeaways:

  • Rather than working in a sedentary fashion, buying a standing desk will prove to heighten your creativity since it gets you moving.
  • Brief periods of moderate ambient noise have been shown to increase creativity in studies.
  • Creating a personalised ambience around your workspace by adding indoor plants and introducing partial sunlight is important.

Ways you can make your home office more productive and creative

Here are some clever and unique ideas for encouraging creativity in your workspace.

1 - Get a range of seating options

Picture being able to relax in a soft bean bag, stand at a high-top desk, or gently swing as you work on your next great idea.

Having an assortment of sitting alternatives, ranging from ergonomic office chairs to non-traditional solutions like hammocks or balance ball seats, enables you to discover your most cosy and innovative work position.

2 - Place inspiring art to create inspirational walls

Imagine a special area filled with eye-catching pieces of art, inspirational sayings, and mementos of previous achievements.

This "wall of inspiration" acts as a visual reminder of the goals, accomplishments, and boundless opportunities that your business has to offer. It's a place where people celebrate creativity and where passersby can be inspired to be creative with just a quick glance.

3 - Standing desks give you flexibility and ergonomics

A good standing desk will be a bit of an investment, but it is highly worth it since it provides you with a better ergonomic environment.

Not only that, but you can use their height to your advantage, depending on the task you are doing.

Since their height can be adjusted, standing desks are incredibly useful for a range of creative tasks, such as pottery, painting, and even reading architectural drawings.

According to Daniel Parkinson of Best Standing Desks Australia, you can even personalise and add some creative flair to your standing desk by swapping out the boring white melamine desktop for a more refined pheasantwood from brands such as UpDown and Desky.

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Picture by Shutterstock

4 - Whiteboard walls for thoughts

A whole wall turned into an idea canvas where brainstorming sessions are unrestricted and all surfaces are open for diagramming and drawing.

When teams work together, create plans, and bring ideas to life right on the walls with whiteboard paint, the possibilities are endless, and every corner becomes a blank canvas.

5 - Joyful zones

Picture entering a space set aside for lighthearted amusement where you can take a break from the screen and play a game of board games, foosball tables, or small basketball hoops.

These fun spaces offer much-needed chances for rest and mental renewal while encouraging creativity through impromptu happiness and companionship.

6 - Personalise your space

Imagine desks decorated with pictures of loved ones, funny desk trinkets, and artwork that captures the essence of each person's distinct character and interests.

Employees will feel more connected to their surroundings and empowered to express themselves freely if you give them the freedom to customise their workstations.

This also helps to build a sense of ownership and belonging.

7 - Colour psychology

Picture a thoughtfully chosen colour scheme that uplifts the spirit and fosters creativity.

Vibrant accent colours are thoughtfully placed around the room, together with energising yellows, soothing blues, and relaxing flashes of blue.

Using colour psychology to its full potential allows you to create a dynamic environment that promotes harmony and balance, inspires innovation, and raises morale.

8 - Multi-functional spaces

A flexible workstation with moveable furniture, modular partitions, and adjustable layout combinations can effortlessly adjust to the demands of the moment.

These multipurpose areas enable you to personalise your workspaces and maximise your productivity and creativity, whether it's for a group brainstorming session, solitary thought time, or a peaceful area for introspection.

9 - Tech-free zones for zero distractions

Imagine places set apart where computers, smartphones, and other electronic gadgets are not allowed.

This gives staff members the opportunity to disconnect and participate in in-person conversations, mindfulness exercises, or just quiet time for reflection.

These tech-free areas promote deeper connections, creativity, and mental health by offering much-needed relief from continual connectedness.

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Picture by Shutterstock

10 - Create a beautiful library or reading nook

A quaint nook with soft lighting, plush furniture, and shelves full of books, periodicals, and articles on anything from design will promote creativity and personal development.

This welcoming environment invites you to broaden your perspectives and ignite your creativity via the power of reading, whether it's by curling up with a classic novel, reading the most recent industry insights, or just finding inspiration in the pages of a favourite book.

11 - Soundscapes

Research indicates that brief periods of ambient noise can promote creativity.

According to the authors, who based the study on 65 University of British Columbia students, "moderate background noise creates just enough of a distraction to force people to think more imaginatively, without breaking their focus so completely that they can't think at all."

A carefully chosen playlist of instrumental music, ambient noises, or natural sounds that play gently in the background can foster a calm, relaxed, and creatively inspiring environment.

These soundscapes, whether it's the soft rustle of leaves, the calming hum of white noise, or the upbeat melodies of instrumental music-create an atmosphere that encourages creative thought and productive work.

12 - Frequent modifications

Make personalised changes as you see fit.

A work environment that varies and grows over time, with sporadic adjustments, can be a good thing.

Whether it's changing artwork, festive décor, or impromptu pop-up exhibits, these frequent adjustments keep the space interesting and dynamic, piquing visitors' interest and generating new ideas.

13 - Bring some foliage in

Adding colourful foliage to your workplace environment, such as hanging ferns from the ceiling or potted plants lining the window sills.

In addition to offering a touch of natural beauty to the surroundings, plants help enhance air quality, lower stress levels, and boost output.

Adding natural elements to your workstation fosters a revitalising and creative environment that improves everyone's health and well-being.

14 - Invest in a water feature

Whether it be a zen water fountain or a fish tank, the calming sound of running water can help you compartmentalise your thought processes for creative outcomes.

They can also help to instill a sense of peace and tranquillity that encourages rest and clarity of mind. Workers discover that when they immerse themselves in the soothing rhythm of running water, their creativity and inspiration are revitalised.

15 - Be minimalist and clear clutter

A clutter-free office where every object has a function and every surface has been carefully chosen to maximise productivity and inspiration should be the goal.

Adopting a minimalist style for workplace design not only produces a clutter-free and orderly space but also lessens outside distractions and improves mental clarity.

Your workspace becomes a blank canvas for creativity to flourish when you clear out unneeded items and concentrate on what matters most.

This allows thoughts to flow freely without hindrance. Check out these desk organisation ideas for more inspiration.

16 - Include a breakout space

You can find a warm haven away from their workstations in a breakout space, which could be anything from an outdoor terrace with views of the city skyline to a bright cafe-style nook or lounge.

You can catch up on work, have impromptu conversations, and develop new ideas in this laid-back atmosphere, which encourages innovation and creativity across the home office.

The most important pieces of ergonomic office furniture

The three most crucial components of ergonomic office furniture are a standing desk that is the right height and size for your needs, an office chair that is comfortable and has adjustable lumbar support, and enough lighting to lessen eye strain and increase productivity.

These components serve as the cornerstone of a wholesome and ergonomic workstation, along with a sturdy monitor arm, encouraging proper posture and reducing the possibility of pain or harm from extended work sessions.

Frequently asked questions

Should my desk face the window?

During the workday, looking out of a window may be revitalising. Nevertheless, the benefits are frequently outweighed by the heat and glare of direct sunshine.

The response? In order to benefit from the best of both worlds, turn your desk to an angle.

How do you decorate office walls?

What is the best way to adorn an office wall?

A home office's walls can be adorned in countless ways, such as hanging family photos, hanging artwork, adding plants, adding paint or wallpaper for a pop of colour, putting up shelving, and much more.